Monday, 11 May 2015

The Handbag Diaries

While I'm trying my hardest to keep myself as sane as possible (because, whether you like it or not, staring at Biology books ALL evening can have the power to drive you around the psychopathic bend), there is one thing which is stopping me from making a trip to the Priory: handbags. Ah, those delightful creations - the reason why my heart leaps at the very sight of them! No wonder that my mood suddenly lifts whenever a mention of Louis Vuitton bags are dropped into a conversation...

Unfortunately, I'm not here on this Monday evening to disclose the news of receiving my very first designer bag (though, if it was the case, I would be bragging much more about it - and why not?). Instead, I've fallen in love with a bag on the high street which, as all bargainistas will know, is much friendlier for my purse and will hopefully leave some spare change for a chocolate chip cookie at lunchtime (sometimes why I madly think that a Prada bag is not worth the eye-watering expense!). The bag itself is an absolute beauty - undoubtedly, if it was royalty, we would be ruled by its unignorable power and glamour that it emits like radiation. In fact, I was literally radiating with excitement when it was ordered on Saturday: definitely the highlight of the weekend!

As I'll be embarking on my trip to France in less than seven weeks' time, Mum planted a seed inside my head that I will obviously require a 'casual' bag for the occasion. From the moment she mentioned the word 'casual', I honestly thought that she had dropped a bomb: me, Little Miss Glamour, doing casual? I nearly yelped at the very thought of it - what on earth did she mean? A potato sack?! 

Before you assume that my English isn't up-to-date, I do know what casual means, but I prefer to avoid the, um, rougher side of fashion when it comes to handbags. Like make-up, I'm keen on my handbags being stylish and sophisticated - regardless of the occasion. Even when Mum pointed out that I'll probably being taking in numerous activities, possibly outdoors (fingers crossed that French bees and wasps are more forgiving to Britain's greatest wuss), I still didn't come around to her idea of getting a 'casual' bag. 

And the verdict? There is very little way that I will ever do 'casual' - yet it hasn't stopped me from indulging on a new handbag! Oh yes, thanks to having a brilliant Parents' Evening and virtually swimming in pools of praise, the Bank of Mum and Dad has kindly provided me with a new bag to accompany me on my first trip abroad - the greatest gift that I could have possibly hoped for!!! OK, the bag isn't quite Louis Vuitton, but I can ignore its label because I absolutely love it. Yes, probably even more so than chocolate mousse (and that is really saying something!). 

The bag in question? Have a look for it yourself: 
Mini Stud Tote

Pretty, don't you think? Costing only £16 from Matalan, I was originally tempted to purchase this Mini Tote in red, but I'm glad that I selected the light blue; as much as I love red, it's nice to go for something a little less heavy on the eyes. Besides, pastels never go out of style, so I've made a decent choice there!

Hopefully, finding space for everything I need to carry with me - glasses, phone, make-up, perhaps a mini umbrella - shouldn't be too difficult for me as it seems to be a fairly decent size. How I'm going to wait several days before it is collected shall test my patience to the limit - all I want right now is to have it in my possession! 

Well, this bag has certainly marked a pleasant start to the week - and let's hope it shall remain that way!

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