When Sunday afternoons arrive each week, I usually groan. Ugh, the weekend can't possibly be already nearing an end, can it? I sigh when it suddenly occurs to me that, as of the following day, I'll be unable to treat myself to the luxury of staying in bed until ten in the morning, not being obliged to doing anything more testing than bothering to leave the warm sanctuary that is my beloved bed.
This temporary sadness typically occurs every week which, as I've gotten more used to sacrificing precious hours in bed, I have gradually accepted as a way of life; even though it doesn't lessen my slight misery, at least I'm not the only one experiencing the same thing, am I? Whether you have a job or go to school, nobody likes the ending of a short, yet super sweet weekend - hence why we spend the whole of the week looking forward to them!
Yet I've felt like I've had the benefit of enjoying a week-long weekend thanks to reaching the delightful milestone that is half-term; the truly special reward that one receives for managing to get out of bed to go to school for six weeks straight! Since last Friday, I've treated my week off as though I'll never enjoy such a relaxing one ever again because, before I even have time to fully appreciate the lack of work that I have to do (apart from pieces of coursework, which I made a strong effort to complete last week), I'll find myself back in a classroom, feeling as though half-term never happened. And you know what? Time slips through my fingers like a pool of water that you try to catch in the palm of your hand - no matter how hard I hold onto it, time has a unique way of escaping my grip, weakening the control that I yearn to have over it.
Although I'm now feeling a bit sorry for myself that I've got to return to school tomorrow, I have the pleasant reminder of the upcoming six week holiday - otherwise signalling the end of the school year - now approaching which, several weeks ago, seemed as though it would never arrive. However, before I can start obsessing over what to do during the greatest and longest holiday of the year, I've got one more term to get through - better recognised as the most tedious one of all!
Maybe in primary school you'd be expected to take things easy because, for most people, you would have completed any end-of-year tests or exams, which means that the hard work - and endlessly heavy stress piled onto your shoulders - is over. So, when you've gotten the hard work out of the way, that usually means one thing: fun! During my short period at primary school, I remember watching films or, in one year, having my lessons focused on the World Cup which, in the mind of a Bratz doll-obsessed girl, was the dullest thing that I'd ever had to learn about! But, back in the pre-most-important-exams-in-your-entire-life days, I didn't have to worry about revision or surviving life beyond seemingly impossible-to-pass tests; like a Cornetto, life was definitely sweet.
Fast forward several years, and I'm now in the oldest year at the school as the Year 11s finish off the last of their exams before going on study leave and not daring to return to the premises until Results Day in August. At long last, I'm approaching the exams that I yearn to leap over like a eight foot tall fence; a scenario which had once seemed impossible to reach so many months ago. Luckily, I've completed the majority of my mock exams, apart from Performing Arts and more Maths (which I'm desperately hoping will clash with my week away in France - fingers crossed!), so I'm fortunate enough to not be panicking about getting through a ridiculous amount of mocks within a short space of time.
Despite my reluctance to give up late nights and afternoons devoted to watching films for several weeks, I'm also looking forward to the summer term because I've got a new hair cut to show off to my friends - who, having never seen my hair so short, might struggle to recognise me! In addition to this, I'm hopeful that I'll find enough time to curl my hair tomorrow morning, which really shows off my recently chopped hair in its best way; having grown tired of the crimped look, it's about time to wear my hair a bit differently, don't you think?
Unlike some people, I've got the bonus of missing a week of school in order to go on a class trip to France, a country which I've dreamt of visiting for years; instead of being stuck in the lessons that I don't particularly like, I'll be fulfilling one of my life's ambitions, an experience that I would have been insane to decline!
In short, the new term is likely to be a hectic, tiring and rather mad one, but there is a light at the other side... though I'm rather hoping that it won't be in the form of the ultra bright sun! Whatever happens, I shall forever remain a sun hater, but warmer weather in France might somewhat ease my sunshine hatred!
Are you interested to finding out how a modern-day teenager thinks and feels, sinking deeper in a hormonal-riddled girl's mind than a serving of indulgent Mississippi mud pie? Life as a Modern Teen heavily describes one teenager's views and feelings about her ever-changing life, giving her audience (if anyone reads it, of course) a clear insight into the world teenagers live today.
Sunday, 31 May 2015
Preparing Myself for More Craziness

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