But wait a second - aren't there other things that we simply can't survive without or need more of? Of course! There are numerous things that I can think of which this planet ought to provide in greater amounts, such as...
Look at the image of a young, squealing kitten. How could your heart not melt into a slushy mess?! If I spent all day Googling pictures of 'kittens', I would forever be clearing up the mush that my animal-loving heart would be spilling all over the (cream-coloured) carpet!
Kittens evoke such a powerful happiness within me because they symbolise the one thing that I will always adore: cuteness. Oh, how boring and miserable the world would be if cuteness was wiped from existence! They are such friendly and loveable creatures, who happen to possess the sweetest looks ever... if that isn't happiness, do you honestly know what it is?
Along with the cuteness thing (which kittens definitely have going on), you'd be a world-class idiot to forget the oh-so-obvious fact that kittens love to play - like a teenager's impulse to stay in bed until the early hours of the afternoon, kittens cannot suppress the urge to run around like fools high on cans of Redbull. And, whether you are doing your homework or tucked in bed, kittens won't cater to your needs - hence why we treat them like the babies that they truly are!
Despite the many paw prints that are often left on the table and the distracting cries that they are so professional at producing (usually at the least convenient times!), I love kittens and I cherish every single moment that I spend with them because, even though time tends to go by way too slowly, they transform into adults before you even blink. Though their chunky baby faces may have disappeared by then, their cuteness - and most definitely their mischievous nature - is still intact, and may even be more defined than before!
Spare time
The greatest curse of the teenage years, a lack of spare time can drive a mini adult (or young adult, depending on how tiny you refer to yourself as!) into despair. Or, as I often find, results in a massive tantrum that not even a Hollywood drama queen can replicate. Just don't even go there, OK?
Although we teenagers love having a good o' fashioned moan about boredom, the moaning tendencies dramatically worsen if we are deprived of what I consider to be our human right: spare time. How can we develop a sense of fun if we never have a spare second away from the gruelling world of school, classes and the general things that occupy us in our day-to-day lives? Even watching TV for half an hour is savoured like a luxurious chocolate truffle: I appreciate every mouthful that I taste, knowing that it is a short-lived reprieve from reality.
Plus, if we never have any spare time, how are we expected to use it wisely when we do have it? Lack of experience is never great for anybody, and those being given spare time are no exception - in fact, it can turn into a full-blown nightmare if you don't know to enjoy your spare time, which then leads to boredom and the already-mentioned tearjerker tantrums.
Although working hard is extremely important, I still think that a few more breaks in and out of school life would motivate teenagers to be even more hard-working, proving that there isn't an unequal ratio of work and play as some of us wonder.
Spare time is an asset to society because it owns a key that many other things cannot open: happiness!
Why even bother going into full detail on this one? Everyone must know how deeply I adore cocoa and the fine chocolate that is produced from its flavoursome beans - the more the better!
I'd like to see less of the cheaply produced chocolate bars, such as Cadbury's and Hershey's, which taste absolutely vile when compared to the likes of less sugary chocolate. Despite my allegiance to chocolate, it doesn't mean that all types will be defended by me - Creme Eggs better watch out!
Love (though not entirely because of this very yummy-looking cupcake)
Without love, how can we ever establish peace? Without peace, does the world stand a chance of striking a friendship with happiness? The list could go on forever, but I'll cut this one short because only one thing matters: love.
Love is essential in practically everything we do - helping others, making friends, even cooking a meal! If anything apart from science keeps the world spinning, love would undoubtedly be its power source - how else would our hearts beat so passionately?
It is the root of my passions, which keeps them alive and makes me into a stronger being. Even though I don't really give it a second thought, I realise the strength that love has and appreciate the gifts that it has handed over to me throughout my life.
But do we need more of it? Of course. If the world is constantly evolving, so is love, hence our requirement for greater amounts of it. The population figures are forever rising, our technology never stops expanding and our intelligence has yet to be given an impossible challenge... For as long as this world exists, our need for love will never die - only when love has beaten its last heart beat is the moment when we no longer need it.
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