Tuesday, 20 January 2015


Written by LikeATeen - Copyright LikeATeen 2015


'Love is not love without heat
A fire that warms you like a genial hug
Passion is not passion without intensity
which burns like a fierce flame
Style is not style without sophistication 
An image that we uncontrollably crave to live up to 
Desire is not desire without yearning
which aches like the remains a broken heart
Irreplaceable and forever unbeaten.'

What Lies

'Childhood is a glorious gift
As my mother usually says
There you embark on the learning tree
A fascinating figure
You climb, you fall and you get back on again
Teaching you lessons that school doesn't provide
Yet taking on responsibilities is far from easy
and, at times, rather scary
Oh, why didn't my mother tell me that?
The piercing panic that sets in like superglue when you get a bad report record
The traumatic nightmares as haunting as ghosts because you don't know a thing about nuclei
And the moment when you realise that it isn't quite a glorious gift after all
What lies!

Adulthood is a thrilling time
As your father loves to tell you
There are so many experiences in the world
waiting to be enjoyed your fun-seeking self
Parties, friendships, opportunities, maybe a dash of love...
Oh why, didn't my father warn me of the drawbacks to love?
The stinging sadness when that boy doesn't call
The harrowing heartbreak that hits your heart like a bullet if he ignores you
his love-filled stare focused elsewhere
And the exact second when, once the booze has worn off, it dawns on you that it isn't quite a thrilling time after all
What lies!

What lies upon you are two pressurising periods in your life
that forever stay with you, like a tattoo permanently etched on your skin
There are thrills to get high on and glory to bask in like a spell of warm sunshine
But we cannot escape our fate: learning about humanity
What lies we are told by not realising sooner!'


'There are moments when I laugh
and light up the room with a glow brighter than a candle's shadow
Or I plaster on my greatest grin
sharing the sunshine that shimmers within myself among those surrounding me
All is well when happiness is blessing me with her warm embrace
planting her positive seeds in my nature like one growing a flower

Yet all changes when I remain silent
sending a chilly message to those who dare to surround me
Or I release a heart-wrenching sob
My body vibrating with sprinkles of sadness instead of sunshine
Nothing could be more wrong than when misery has broken in my soul
stealing my possessions and the person whom I know inside out
and leaving only my remains behind in its wake

Like the weather, I flit between various states
Sunny spells one day, torrential rain the next
How the changes exhaust me!'


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