Oh my gosh, I can't believe that I'm actually having a proper OMG moment, complete with raspy gasps of shock and American-inspired gushing, as I've literally been knocked off my two inch heels in utter surprise.
Come on, let's have a little guess about what has just happened to me. I promise that I won't leave you making drastic assumptions for the whole of lunchtime (and all of those 'tempting' steakbakes sell out at Greggs). Winning the Lottery would totally be the Hollywood-perfect answer, however it couldn't be a million miles away from the hard-hitting truth. I, LikeATeen (I almost typed in my real, acceptable-in-the-eyes-of-many name; good thing that I don't publish everything, eh?), have a proper curl sticking out in my otherwise dead straight hair, somewhat posing in delight over gaining some proper attention other than the spots lightly dotted over my complexion.
Yes, beat that, hair-styling-heaven-to-the-gods, BaByliss Curl Secret - my curl is 100% natural! There may no longer be any desperate need to splash out on a legendary (well, soon-to-be, so it still counts), life-changing gadget if my hair is somehow producing curls of its own; perhaps this is my Christmas miracle, albeit quite early like the numerous Argos adverts blaring from the TV? Gosh, I would love nothing more than to say yes with a mighty, don't-you-stop-me-now smile lighting up my face, but the explanation for my hair's sudden change in behaviour is, to my heart-breaking disappointment, is fairly simple: for almost a week, I've given up using GHD's on my deadly straight-as-eyeliner hair as it is, well, straight enough.
So, if I take to the time to poke my head out of the December issue of ELLE for a moment or two, it makes a LOT of sense when I think about it: why should I take around ten minutes of my precious-as-a-Tiffany's-diamond time to poke a bulky pair of straighteners near my head whilst my hair is perfectly fine? Sorry, sorry if my moaning - I mention this in case you weren't aware of my slightly scathing tone - makes your blood boil as dangerously as a kettle if you spend your evenings staring out at the moonlight sky, making a wish as a white-gold star glitters above your window in the hope of your frizzy hair becoming razor-smooth overnight. Everyone always wants different things, don't they?
Still, I can't deny that it makes such an appreciated change to be beaming with a sprinkling of smug pride because my hair - which, back in the Old Age (a.k.a a mere few years ago), used to be my top topic to complain about - for once in its ever so greasy-as-a-diner life looks the way I've always wanted it. Well, aren't I not entitled to my moment of happiness just as yet another lot of ruddy red spots break out of a contained prison over my face?
Well, let's see how long I can bear to live without my beloved GHDs, shall we? Knowing my unfortunate run of luck in relation to my hair, drop-dead gorgeous curls always have the tendency to disappear - I'll probably be in need of that BaByliss Curl Secret after all, particularly as mine is preparing to unravel...
Are you interested to finding out how a modern-day teenager thinks and feels, sinking deeper in a hormonal-riddled girl's mind than a serving of indulgent Mississippi mud pie? Life as a Modern Teen heavily describes one teenager's views and feelings about her ever-changing life, giving her audience (if anyone reads it, of course) a clear insight into the world teenagers live today.
Friday, 1 November 2013
Wavy Hair - Is it my destiny?

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