Although my (lack of) knowledge related to mathematics doesn't extend to the much-admired high achievers and brain-storming geniuses, I don't need to stretch my mind too far when an equation about birthdays comes up - the only possible answer is 'fun', simply judging by the neon bright pink lipstick which I've just applied onto my foundation-coated lips and healthy glow in my cheeks. Play fights, muffled laughter and nicely wrapped presents with an excessive amount of usually rationed cellotape secures my happiness like a (new) cookery book featuring malteser cupcakes and spicy cinnamon snickerdoodles grabs my attention and feeds upon it for a pleasantly sunny afternoon. What more could I ask for?
Today, I hasten to add, is my younger brother's birthday, who is turning an influential thirteen and being welcome to the world in which bubblegum-chewing teens (must I be the outcast by not developing a habit which gets on almost everybody's tighter-than-jeans nerves?) rule the roost and dictate the rules which we rebelliously choose to follow; and who is better to give him the official lowdown than my crazed-hormone self, LikeATeen?
OK, my hormones are not getting the better of my senses today, though I would bet (in my overly vivid imagination) that my laidback mood may be in part to the coconut cake of which I intend to get a larger-than-usual slice later in the evening and the two cookery books I received - one dedicated to mouth-watering treats, the heavenly sight of which guarantee to make me put on a few pounds before the cream cheese topping touches the tip of my tongue, and the other fuelling my passion for Chinese food, which thankfully avoids a cheek-reddening trip to the local Weightwatchers - but I'm genuinely feeling rather great because my heart soars with warmly felt proud at the thought that my baby brother is growing up and turning into a softly spoken (though not when Chelsea either let in a goal or scores one on TV!), kind-hearted young man with a fabulously gelled hair-do to match.
Becoming a teenager and then an adult a few years afterwards is a massive deal which mustn't be taken lightly because a lot of momentous events are likely to occur - for example, taking exams which influence the career path which you may soon take stays with you for the rest of your life - in quite a short space of time, seemingly giving the impression that your care-free childhood is about to run away from your hands and thrust you into a future which is entirely alien to your eyes. Until now, I'd never quite grasped one of the biggest importances of being the eldest child - and before a few months ago, the tallest one (a home truth which I grudgingly admit behind spotlessly white gritted teeth) - is that I can offer my experiences and guidance to my brother, who is getting prepared to follow in my footsteps which, in comparison to his size 10-and-a-half Hulk-like feet, are rather Thumbelina-sized yet still valuable with the advice I'm ready to give to him.
Naturally brilliant at cracking nose-snorting jokes at a speed faster than breaking stubborn nut shells and often displaying a charm more attractive than Prince Charming's darling mannerisms, my brother is the very best one which I could ever have - would I really be an honest sister if I skimmed over the true-to-life facts that I endure tedious days when my brother seems to be the most annoying person to have ever walked upon earth in the world? No, even my brother would have to place the most determined frown or truthful look on his face - usually contorted into a mood-lifting grin which is prepared to turn into a eyebrow-raising smirk within a blink of an eye - leap over the barriers I place in order to fool me and catch me off-guard; nobody can deny that my brother is capable of not only producing bitter lemon drinks of his own (with too much spot-causing sugar) and successfully reciting famous lines from numerous films but getting on my nerves from time to time. At the end of the day, my brother is expressing himself and staying true to his fun-loving and generous personality - I'm hardly in a position to moan dully if my brother has thrust a mini Freddy Frog chocolate bar in my sight, am I?
Anyway, birthdays never fail to light up an atmosphere more brightly than an ear-exploding firework or preppy banners which are the colour of every rainbow ever seen - alongside Christmas and the yearly tradition of cracking a chocolate Lindt bunny via my cocoa-smeared hand at Easter, birthdays are the best events in the social calender and guarantee a day bursting with presents, lavishly decorated cards and moments where you can do whatever you wish, without any eye-popping questions asked. As my birthday is only around two months away (1st February, in fact), I've still got to get through the buzzing excitement surrounding festive Christmas and New Year, so a day dedicated to what I wish to do and live out my lifestyle is around eight or so weeks away - in case you hadn't pinned it together, my brother celebrates his birthday on the last day of a month, whilst mine is on the first, squeaky-clean day of a frost-biting cold month!
With around half the day left to go, I better get back to the enjoyment and watch my brother set up his new Xbox 360, which will eventually result in his playing the amazingly 'educational' game, Minecraft, and eat his preferred meal of pepperoni pizza and sweet Chinese spring rolls. Receiving cards from relatives, ripping open gifts given by your beloved family and gushing over the day ahead of you makes me wish that my birthday could arrive quicker somehow - upon thinking about it, perhaps I ought to enjoy the traditional festivities surrounding Christmas first of all?
Are you interested to finding out how a modern-day teenager thinks and feels, sinking deeper in a hormonal-riddled girl's mind than a serving of indulgent Mississippi mud pie? Life as a Modern Teen heavily describes one teenager's views and feelings about her ever-changing life, giving her audience (if anyone reads it, of course) a clear insight into the world teenagers live today.
Saturday, 30 November 2013
Birthdays Equals Fun

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