On the off-chance that you might have been curious as to where I've been for the past few days, you needn't think that I was residing on a remote island which is located even more in the boring land of 'the middle-of-nowhere' than where I usually live, without barely a trace of Wifi connection. If such a thing ever became a possibility, you can pretty guarantee that I would never let go of the router which provides my absolute treasure: internet connection. Therefore, I'm unlikely to go very far...
In fact, I've actually been heading into the nearby town on two separate occasions to meet up with my friends, who I haven't seen since we broke up for the summer holidays about a month ago (yikes!). Since getting my head together (in other words, ensuring that my life consists of more than browsing through Facebook every two hours) and begrudging that the boredom which typically defines the month of August, I'm actually quite stunned that there are only two more proper full weeks of summer until school edges closer and closer in sight.
Despite wishing to return to 'normal', in the sense that I would once again appreciate hours of having the downstairs television all to myself, I cannot believe that Year 11 will be commencing in twenty days - no matter what I've said before, I'm not ready!!! For instance, I promised myself to go over my Maths work over the summer, but the nearest that I've gotten to it is using the calculator on my friend's smartphone whilst determining how much change to give back when I was working as Front of House for a school production a fortnight ago. Still, my memory can't be that bad if I can remember how Pythagoras' Theorem works, though please don't bombard me with questions about Sin, Cos and Tan - just praise me for bothering to remember their titles, let alone the way in which you use them!
Anyway, I shall be making the most of these precious few lie-ins in addition to going over various things, such as the books I've read in English, and quizzing myself on various theories related to Sociology, one of my favourite subjects which I'd love to study at sixth form. Even though I've realised that revising at home doesn't work particularly well with me because the hard-working atmosphere is at its strongest at school, I'm still trying because I like having something meaningful to do with my spare time; despite the agony that it presents for my poor heart, studying algebraic equations is far more appealing than complaining about not having Netflix for the hundredth time in a week.
As this blog follows the life of a modern teenager, it only seems fitting for me to discuss what actually happens in my life - such as catching up with my friends after not seeing them in what felt like forever! The first friend that I saw was a boy whom I'd gotten to know rather well after spending the day with him on a rewards trip at the end of last term; despite having occasionally spoken to one another beforehand, I felt like I could speak to him without worrying about being misunderstood. Like a light being switched on, it occurred to me at one point or another that the boy, who I'll refer to as James (as you can possibly tell, I'm useless with boys' names - the only one I can currently think of is a evil vampire from Twilight), was someone that I wanted to become friends with.
Considering that I usually regard myself as quite shy and find it initially hard to open up with others, I didn't have any obstacles to leap over in order to speak freely with James - and, as the summer holidays were only around the corner, I was keen to carry on the conversation that we had begun on that day, this time without being intruded by our classmates.
As my village literally consists of one shop and two okay-ish pubs, I figured that going into town was the best place to meet up - despite the lack of interesting shops and activities, there was much more to do and see, which was far more appealing to me. Where did James and I go? For lunch, Subway was the place of choice; despite never being overly keen on what I consider to be 'fast-food' outlets, I actually don't mind Subway because I can purchase wholemeal bread before filling it with low-fat meats such as turkey or chicken breast and plenty of salad, which would keep me full for hours. It was also quite cheap as well, which is always a bonus factor because I'd rather keep my spending to a minimum whilst eating out so that I have more money to spend on clothes and make-up!
However, I was so taken aback by James' generosity: instead of letting me pay for my lunch, he paid for it himself. What a gentleman!!! No matter how much I assured him about wanting to pay myself, he was so insistent. Never before in my life had anyone, apart from my parents, paid for anything like that for me, which made me realise even more what a fantastic person he is.
For the rest of the afternoon, we mostly walked around town, catching sight of a few familiar faces whilst strolling along on the pavements, talking about various interests, passions and beliefs. Really, I couldn't ask for anything more in anyone - having someone to talk to about practically anything is all I honestly need to be happy. Then we hung out at his house for a while, watching an episode of the hilarious Bad Education (which I seriously need to watch on my brother's Xbox ASAP, if I figure out how to use the console) and just talking, which is more precious to me than visiting numerous places.
By the end of the day, which had resulted in my missing the bus home because I was too happy to realise that I needed to stick my hand out to alert the bus driver to let me on (though half an hour later I caught the bus with my dad, who wasn't thrilled over having to speed-walk into town), I felt as though I'd truly made a friend, who would watch out for me and always demonstrate the greatest of manners that you could ever hope to see. Although nothing has yet been planned, I'd love to invite him over to my house before the holidays end, especially as my parents already like him (any guy who pays for their daughter's lunch is marked very high in their books).
Although people have a tendency to think that all relationships between girls and boys are romantic, there are not necessarily so because, in order for a relationship to survive, there must be a bond - otherwise, if the romantic feelings cease to exist, there is no foundation stopping the relationship from shattering into tiny, sharp and broken pieces. As to whether I want a relationship right now, I honestly don't know, but I'm strong believer in taking some things as they come - not all ideas should be dismissed until you know the full story!
On another topic, I caught up with one of (female) friends on Thursday afternoon, where we visited Subway (seemingly a popular choice of place for teens), and strolled around town, not particularly looking for anywhere to go; once again, we were more interested in speaking to one another than paying attention to where we were! In the end, though, we decided to visit one of our friend's house, which is ironically a five minute walk from our school (albeit she nonetheless gets a lift in the morning!), because we had run out of things to do. Also, the weather was not predicted to be all-too-good as rain was in the air, so I was keen to avoid being caught out in a heavy shower; to this day, I still haven't gotten my hands on a waterproof mascara!
Whilst at my friend's house, we sat around the TV - well, we tried to without my friend's dogs leaping onto all of us, eager for attention - and watched two episodes of Rupaul's Drag Race, which is definitely a reason why I need to sign up to Netflix: it was so entertaining! To a certain extent, the contestants knew more about make-up than me and even wore a few lipsticks which I'd love to have... need I say more?
Despite being less 'intimate' than my day out with James, seeing my two friends again was really nice because hanging out together at school isn't always easy as I often have duties or am in different classes. And, rather unsurprisingly, both of them were very interested in how my day went with James, though I don't think that any words could capture the excitement which surrounded that day.
Now that marks today's tale of leading life as a modern teen. If you really wanted to know (which is unsurprisingly as trends change all the time), we simply text one another, asking if we fancy meeting up - unlike some people, I prefer texting to messaging on Facebook because I feel as though it is more discreet and private, an asset which I never fail to appreciate. Unless we're in cities, we don't tend to go very far, though if we do, it is mostly just to talk - nothing more I can say, really!
Here's to meeting up once again. hopefully pretty soon...
Are you interested to finding out how a modern-day teenager thinks and feels, sinking deeper in a hormonal-riddled girl's mind than a serving of indulgent Mississippi mud pie? Life as a Modern Teen heavily describes one teenager's views and feelings about her ever-changing life, giving her audience (if anyone reads it, of course) a clear insight into the world teenagers live today.
Saturday, 15 August 2015
Meeting Up and Hanging Out

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