After a fortnight of lie-ins, revision and more access to the fridge than any hungry teenager could hope for, my Easter break has almost come to an end. Weep.
Like all heartfelt humans, tears dance in the corner of my eyes as I realise that my two weeks away from routine are so close to being over; really, it somewhat feels so long ago when I arrived home from school at lunchtime, excited about having so many days to devote to doing what I wanted! Yet, as I keep learning, you become almost unaware of time's presence whilst enjoying yourself which, despite the unpleasantness of being unwell and enduring an agonising injection, I've managed to do of late.
In fact, I feel as though I'm going somewhere new tomorrow because school seems to be such a distant reality at the moment, even though I've been going there since before Christmas. Although my attendance in the classroom hasn't been necessary for a while, at least I can proudly declare that my brain hasn't transformed into a pile of sticky mush over the holidays - most definitely one of the benefits of establishing a revision timetable!
Ah, revision... No matter how many times you vow to unplug your laptop from the internet and get on with some work, viewing somebody's Facebook page suddenly becomes more irresistible than tucking into a slice of gooey chocolate cake. Annoyingly, I've landed myself in this so-difficult-get-out-of position on a number of occasions during the holidays because The Vampire Diaries is obviously more fascinating than learning about sound waves (sorry, Science teacher!).
Still, I can't really beat myself up because, at the end of the day, I have revised in one form or another. And, considering that I've had plenty to keep me occupied, shouldn't it be acceptable?
Anyway, I've got several hurdles to get myself over before party time can truly commence in style - ahem, exams are coming up, remember? Whether it should be seen as a blessing or a gift wrapped in blood red from the devil, I only have two exams this week... then FIVE the following. Oh yes, I'm extremely pleased about contending with tough English Lit questions, Science essays and a Puppet performance to be held in my Performing Arts lessons within the same week: I'll certainly be in need of another two week holiday!
However, my mock exam timetable has a weird tendency to change its mind every now and then, so several dates may be incorrect - or some exams (e.g. Maths) may not even be sat at all if luck bothers to be on my side (and stops robbing me of money stupidly wasted on the Euromillions)...
All in all, I've really loved being able to relax and stop obsessing over the little things which tend to define my life during term-time, such as how to style my hair in the morning (yes, I'll definitely admit to being a little crazy when it comes to The Hair), which mascara I ought to wear (Great Lash or Bare Minerals) and the sort of snacks I should put in my lunch (pistachio nuts or dried apricots). Regardless of where I go or what I do, a break is a break - what more could I ask for?
Even though I tend to ignore it, there are times when being away from a heavy-going environment - especially one so focused on exams, questions and lengthy essays - is the cleanest burst of fresh air that you could want, which creates a relaxed mindset that stays with you once you return. Sure, I love routine, but not to the extent that I could follow it all the time!
This leads me to say that, with so many exams to revise for and think about, I'm going to give myself a break from my blogging duties, which need to be abandoned whilst I focus on getting through the next fortnight. Two weeks might seem so long to me right now, but I know that I'll be fine once I get to the 'other side; - hopefully one which will shower me in succulent success! I just need to ensure that my time is being used well during the weekend and after school for a while, which is why I want to cut down on writing as I'll obviously be doing plenty of it in my exams; just what any writer loves!
So... this is it. Farewell for however long I need to focus on my exams - how I will yearn to return to Blogger when I answer three intensive-as-a-workout questions in my English Language paper tomorrow afternoon! For those who are sitting their mocks or actual exams anytime soon, best of luck - as I hope you wish me the same tomorrow!
Are you interested to finding out how a modern-day teenager thinks and feels, sinking deeper in a hormonal-riddled girl's mind than a serving of indulgent Mississippi mud pie? Life as a Modern Teen heavily describes one teenager's views and feelings about her ever-changing life, giving her audience (if anyone reads it, of course) a clear insight into the world teenagers live today.
Sunday, 12 April 2015
Saying Goodbye... For A While

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