Wednesday, 31 December 2014

End of the Year... What's Next?

Well, I guess that I can no longer ignore the date that everybody - or so the press - seems to be talking about at the moment: today is the final day of the year. In case you thought that you'd misread the previous sentence, there is no doubt at all that we have reached New Year's Eve and are mere hours away from waving farewell to 2014. 

Just thinking about it is enough to knock me out cold because 2014 feels like it has gone on forever; a lot has happened over the space of the past twelve months that I'm not even sure whether I've come to terms with it yet, so who knows how I'll cope with getting used to a new year! Only kidding, though: in fact, I'm really looking forward to 2015, and am itching to start living it from midnight in seven or so hours' time. Why? Now that the greatest changes possible have taken place in my life (moving to the other side of the country, returning to school and hopefully sticking to my GCSE options, which I re-selected for the third time a month ago), 2015 will be the year when all things should remain stable and in place, where I really want them to be. Instead of focusing all my energy (which, from tomorrow, I vow will not be sourced from Lindt truffles or Lidi cookies) on swapping my old house in a densely populated town for one located in the countryside (translation: middle-of-nowhere), I'm determined to apply it to my studies and perform well in exams. By this time next year, I hope to be smiling proudly, having achieved plenty of success both in and outside of school. 

As valuable as success is, I've realised that happiness is the one thing on this planet that you cannot place a price on: unlike a bag of groceries, you cannot go to Asda and purchase it among your cartons of milk, loaves of bread and half-price bottles of nail polish (though that is probably what I'd spend my money on). Of course, money certainly contributes to happiness and has the power to boost your mood if you are craving for it, but it is impossible to completely rely on money for the sake of your mental well-being. Happiness can be anything like seeing the sun set on a warm June morning, falling in love with someone who likes you back and, as I discovered upon moving house in March, finding the place that you proudly call your home. Until Asda starts to sell any of those things, I will not change my view regarding the pricelessness of happiness!

All in all, I've had a good year and have gained a lot from it - with 365 days in the calender, I would expect myself to do so! Referring to only my memory for guidance (which hasn't been as sharp as usual since Christmas Day), below are several stats over the year:
  • Lived in two different houses (one small and boring; the other larger and more homely)
  • Attended two schools (the first for six months; the other since the beginning of this month)
  • Adopted two kittens in October - the extrovert tabby Teddy and people-loving George, who I lovingly call my 'black truffle' (who wouldn't look out of place in a box of Black Magic chocolates!)
  • Bought three albums in one go for Christmas - resurrected my previously deceased interest in Taylor Swift, could no longer resist spending another day without Foster the People's superb debut album and was drawn to Ariana Grande's My Everything by the definite single of the summer, Problem
  • Fell in love with one vampire-themed programme - The Vampire Diaries - whilst (temporarily) abandoning my original favourite, Buffy the Vampire Slayer 
  • Ate 90% of a dark chocolate bar with 90% cocoa solids; cannot bear to consider the amount of chocolate (both milk and dark) that I've consumed this year!
  • Travelled to Heaven four times this year when indulging on a slice of Oreo cheesecake at a nearby coffee shop - including once earlier this afternoon!
  • Purchased three handbags - one I no longer use, the other I started to carry the other day and another that I'll use at parties. Well, if I'm invited to one...
  • Slammed my bedroom door, um, many times, usually when escaping the peril that is my younger (but most definitely taller) brother
  • Hidden one box of Lindt Lindor Truffles in my wardrobe, acting on the fear of my brother and dad scoffing the lot (which would totally happen if I kept them downstairs in the kitchen, otherwise known as Gorging Heaven)
  • Exposed myself once whilst wearing a skort in P.E. for the first time (should have never pulled it up!)
  • Read more than I care to count and remember (finished The Vampire Diaries: Fury last night)
  • Published 160 posts on Life as a Modern Teen, which will then increase to 161 when I've uploaded this post - only several away from having 200 entries in total!
Obviously, I've done much more than that but, despite enjoying looking back on the past, I'm eager to create new memories and focus on the future. Although the future is always near us during the year, I am somewhat more conscious of it at New Year - it's no wonder because we are forever bombarded with it! Perhaps resolutions do have a place in society if they help us create a greater future, but I'm sticking to my belief that they are a bit silly. Within the first week of January, they are forgotten about, which makes the effort of creating them pretty pointless. Still, I feel slightly compelled to come up with a few, even though my heart isn't really in it. Here goes...

1. I will not eat as much chocolate. Or ice cream, cakes, biscuits, muffins and crisps (rarely eat them anyway, but are the easiest things to give up for Lent). Honestly, the list would last forever if I bothered to carry on writing it...

2. I will be nicer towards others. Though an exception can be made for my brother - will he suddenly wake up tomorrow and decide to stop annoying me? Doubt it!

3. I will revise more often. However, that will mean that less time will be spent on blogging duties - unfair!

4. I will go to bed earlier. In other words, don't allow Little but Taller Brother to stand in your way of getting some precious beauty sleep whilst he is rampaging on the stairs at 11pm. 

5. I won't buy a Lottery ticket when I turn 16. Otherwise, my pocket money won't last beyond an hour!

6. I will stop buying things that I don't need (or even want). Like horrible coloured lipsticks, streaky liquid eyeliners, boring books, maybe half of the junk littered in my wardrobe...

And, finally of all, 

7. I will have the greatest time of my life as a sixteen year old. 

What more can I say than that? Goodbye 2014 and hello 2015 - I hope that you promise a spectacular time!

Happy New Year!

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