For the first in my seven month blogging career, I don't think that my face has ever flared the colour of a juicy, yet mortified cherry tomato, embarrassment evident over the whole of my oval-shaped countenance. The reason why? Like any half-asleep fool whose attention lies amongst the matter of getting up at half six in the morning, I chose the most humiliating title to have ever been listed on Blogger as a way of expressing this entry, but my inner grammar queen is bowing her head in shame, hung up at how I could even create such a language-offensive disaster.
Well, let's give Miss Drama Queen a little break before she loses her appetite for her mid-morning snack of carrot sticks and get on with today's business: listing my oh-so-passionate loves in a manner which will hopefully ring home with yourself. Until I get my first boyfriend, delving into a full-on love affair with various interests comes as naturally as craving a chocolate rabbit's head after dinner (I cut it with a butter knife instead of the pointy-as-a-witch's-nose one, if that helps matter), so one can only expect me to describe my nights in front of the TV with a lustful passion for a few years yet.
Gaining independence in almost everything I do as a teenager has all but given me some food for thought as to what makes my heart sing or my over-stuffed stomach plummet to the other side of the planet; with my hormones more highly strung than ever, it needn't take needless humming and harring over what I like because my instincts do all the hard work for me. Although this 'gift' is one of which I feel blessed to be in possession, I can only imagine how frustrated this must make my parents and relatives feel whenever Christmas or a pocket-robbing holiday rolls around every year - needless to say, I'm no longer as easy to encourage as my persuasive eight year old self! But, partially to my amazement, my parents have never let my hopes down nor have presented me with an unsatisfactory gift, though everybody knows that cash is always a crowd-pleaser...
Moving from the current state of my cat-shaped purse, I wish to delight you with a list and description of all the things which bring me bucket loads of pleasure in life. Although several things may strike you as extremely obvious (though this same belief has not been extended to figuring out 3D shapes), once again this Modern Teen will not hold back with promoting her loves and intends to be as honest as possible. As I scratch my head in wonder over how I could break into my brother's yet-to-be-unpacked bedroom, perhaps my passion for honesty should remain off the list!
1. Selfies (The Second Grammar-Offending Word of the Day)
Unlike the hundreds of publicity-seeking celebrities who only wish to promote the 8 megapixel camera on their smartphones, in recent months I have found the art of taking a selfie - otherwise known as a picture which you take of yourself - particularly fascinating and, like developing a taste for fried wings at KFC, oh-so-obsessive.
Since my mum ordered me a new smartphone - the just-released Nokia Lumia 625, if you are truly interested - yesterday afternoon, I've been continuously flying into a panic over how I will sort out the hundreds of pictures which are stored on my current phone before the new model arrives in the post. And, as you correctly guessed, the pictures in question are of nobody except my appearance-obsessed self, who loves nothing more than pouting à la a nude-lipped Angelina Jolie.
Before you start hyper-ventilating over the nature of these photos, let me assure you that they are user-friendly and would certainly receive an U rating from the BBFC themselves, though I'm unsure as to why they would even get involved. These pictures merely showcase the state of my just-washed hair - and cakey layer of mineral foundation, if you're wondering why my spots have 'magically' disappeared - and my desire to relieve a short-lived spell of boredom whenever I'm hanging out in my bedroom. If you must know, the most explicit pictures feature myself smiling like a maniac, which might be due to the excessive amount of lipstick I've put on and have so far failed to reduce (as of yet, I still don't know if a Superdrug store is located in the town centre). All in all, I'm only trying to catch a burst of pre-lunchtime happiness in a semi-clear picture and glow with satisfaction at the state of my hair which, at times, has seen better days.
Now that I'm a year older and wiser, I hope to keep a tighter grip on my obsession with taking selfies once my new smartphone turns up in the post later this week, especially as my brother has made his desire clear to get his hands on my current phone as soon as possible (why LB spends all his money on expensive Chelsea kits will never make sense to me). Some loves last the duration of a lifetime, whilst others strive in the age of social networking and obsessions with one's appearances: perhaps selfies will emerge as the latter, bringing my passion of fresh-faced pictures to an end.
2. Lipstick
If the world ever ran out of lipstick, who knows how I would survive without my most beloved beauty must-have; as a renowned moaner, Planet Earth would possibly cease to exist if I even as much as opened my moan to complain about my lipstick-less life. That alone is an example of how bad my moaning habit is so, like my personally created expression goes, annoy me at your peril.
When I'm not complaining about the lack of lipstick left in a tube, I am as happy as one could be when she has just gotten her hands on the greatest creation which the world has ever seen: her one and only nude lipstick. On a cold and inevitably cloudy November day last year, my love for lipstick was well and truly confirmed when I tried my very first nude lipstick which, after months of searching for a shade which would compliment my Twilight-pale skin, brought an end to my nude-coloured woes and brought a new leash of life to my beauty regime.
Creamy, long-lasting and available in a spectacular range of colours to suit whatever mood, lipstick is my make-up haven and has been so since I purchased my first two at the tender age of eleven. Although these first two 'natural' lipsticks barely stood the time of time and later made their way to my now-deceased Bratz bin, I quickly moved onto more mainstream brands and felt like I'd just walked into the beauty department in Harrods whenever I experimented with different colours, eager to try something more obscure and unique than the one before.
But, as several teenagers realize at one time or another, giving lipsticks the same shade as a collection of Crayola pens can only entertain and excite you for a limited period of time, and that 'playtime' was rapidly drawing to a close, creating a desire to settle on something more stylish and practical than what I'd ever laid eyes upon before. And thus a dream to discover my oh-so-perfect nude lipstick was born, which began several months of searching frenzies and questions on Google as I aspired to discover my destined shade.
But, as I looked yet again in a high street beauty shop, the nude lipstick which I'd been waiting so long for immediately stood out, revitalizing my hopes of finding it once again. And, several months (and almost two lipsticks) on, my love for lipstick and its uplifting benefits couldn't be stronger, nor be a greater confidence boost!
Shades may come and go like seasonal trends, but a passion for one essential beauty item remains a desperate need for a lifetime - and lipstick certainly fits that criteria with flying (and what I hope are chemical-free) colours!
3. Gold
Considering that all Olympians aim to fulfill their dreams of obtaining the highly-prized gold medal at the Games every four years, it comes as no surprise that I, a person who intends to achieve her goals and receive a mighty award for it, have a fascination with gold, though this interest is mainly reserved with the jewelled variety, of course!
As a daily wearer of jewellery, nothing satisfies me more than being clad in an array of eye-catching colours and, of these colours, gold stands out as a particular favourite. Why? If worn with complimenting accessories and indeed flattering clothes (it goes without saying that tracksuits are not allowed), anybody is capable of pulling off gold jewellery whilst feeling and looking like a million dollars with it. And, when I follow this ritual with precise approximation, the final result is as fabulous as one could imagine: after all, doesn't dressing like a Hollywood superstar lift our spirits beyond imagination? That's exactly the way I feel whenever I put on a piece of gold jewellery, most noticeably a pair of gold-coloured earrings.
When I say 'gold-coloured', I am most likely referring to pieces of jewellery which, despite sharing the colour of gold, don't necessarily contain real samples of gold, whose value has rocketed through the roof in recent years. If purchased with good intentions and has a noticeable sense of style, fake gold jewellery - or the variety which is painted with a gold-looking colour - many people will be none the wiser to your penny-watching habits! Indeed, some of my favourite 'gold' pairs of earrings were bought in the accessories section at the local supermarket, but it didn't mean that I completely scraped the barrel; depending on my mood, I sometimes wear an actual gold or silver necklace with it, though I do have a tendency to pay more attention to earrings than necklaces.
By wearing a bit of gold - both the real deal and its wannabe counterparts - I feel confident and revel at the sight of my jewellery which, as I mentioned in my last entry, interests me more than clothes. Since getting my ears pierced at the age of eight, my love for jewellery has blossomed and, as my tastes have developed, so has a passion for gold. If money was no object, I would purchase exact replicas of my faux gold earrings in actual gold, but I'm satisfied enough with what I currently have - it's stylish nonetheless!
If one wants to know a way into my heart, bars of rich dark chocolate, must-read books and the latest gadgets contribute to my opening up and unleashing the person I am behind the GHD-straightened hair. But jewellery? It's another scenario altogether - and I won't even go into full-detail over gold! However, if you like, I wouldn't say no to a pair of gold hoops...
Are you interested to finding out how a modern-day teenager thinks and feels, sinking deeper in a hormonal-riddled girl's mind than a serving of indulgent Mississippi mud pie? Life as a Modern Teen heavily describes one teenager's views and feelings about her ever-changing life, giving her audience (if anyone reads it, of course) a clear insight into the world teenagers live today.
Wednesday, 30 April 2014
Loving My Loves

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