Since receiving the ever-so-exciting news of returning to school several days ago, it has been a struggle to say the least regarding to achieve a sense of normality as I begin packing away half of my possessions (and discovering that my once-tatty decorative leopard sofa was a mirror/jewellery box in disguise) and getting ready to lead a life completely different to my current one. Within less the space of a week, all of the stressful circumstances of setting in a new home have been thrown into the air like a sticky pancake being tossed onto the ceiling on Shrove Tuesday; if I didn't have the opportunity to write to my sanity's content, I wouldn't doubt letting go of my self-control in a manner which I'm rather keen to avoid.
As I constantly keep reminding myself (whilst revising the contents of my thicker-than-a-Scotch-pancake French workbook), c'est la vie and certain cases are likely to be found during our long journey throughout life, though tossing out a wooden broomstick which my brother amusingly bought for me several Halloweens ago wasn't exactly one of those occurrences that I ever expected to come across (and picking up the messy twigs should not have been my main priority, considering that I never even liked the stick). Like never before, the clock is ticking and apart from listening to snippets of Pure Heroine on YouTube every now and then as an instant pick-me-up (a square of citrus dark chocolate merely offers a tiny helping of happiness, mind you), all I can strain my ears to hear is the loud, nerve-wracking sound of a clock getting nearer and nearer towards me on a daily basis.
If there is a spare moment, that precious time cannot be wasted, regardless of the undeniable amount of hours I would spend chucking away unwanted items and becoming more irritable than Hulk's sharp-tongued girlfriend in the extremely long process of getting prepared for the day when my seven year tenure in this house has reached an end. And in case you were wondering whether I'd only offered myself to the dull-as-plain-wallpaper task of rifling through my drawers, I'm glad to say that you couldn't be more wrong: whilst I'm still getting my head (at the moment, I'm taking as long as a malfunctioning bank machine to process anything which is told to me) around setting foot into a secondary school for the first time, I've immediately leapt onto my laptop and have started to search for every single item I need.
From miniature English dictionaries to flat-as-a-bubble-free-Cola shoes, I never realized that there were so many items which were necessary to gaining a top quality education, knocking me off my feet to say the least. Due to having not yet applied for a place at the schools in my soon-to-be-inhabited town, I'm still in the dark about which school I will attend and since embarking on a tiresome search on Google for the schools in the area, I still feel none the wiser about which rules will apply to me.
Don't get me wrong, the very last thing I'm likely to do is to walk into my new school whilst clad in Gucci's latest collection (to my fashionista's disappointment) and breaking all the regulations by donning a set of vampish red nails and failing to carry a suitable bag which would fall apart at the slightest touch. Watching the entire series of the BAFTA award-winning Educating Yorkshire last year should have informed me of certain trends (if the Tango-orange fake tan suggested a hint about the popular styles amongst girls of my age), but I was far too mesmerized by the students getting away with wearing midnight black eyeliner and facial piercings that I didn't take any notice of the one object which I'm desperate to obtain: the ideal schoolbag.
Bearing in mind that if schools don't allow second ear lobe piercings (unfortunately, I fall into this criteria after getting my piercings last summer - with my parents' permission, of course) or an au natural nude lipstick, I believe that a smart, yet stylish schoolbag would offer a subtle indication to my style without breaking any of the fragile barriers which apply to the regulations at an ordinary school. For years, I've witnessed students at the local schools carrying colourful bags which share a startling resemblance to the bags taking the catwalk by storm so I cannot see how I could receive the unwanted title of a rebel by, in a sense, following what every other student appears to be allowed to do. It's just that I'm dying to find out whether I'll get a place at my chosen schools, though it is likely that I'll have to wait until next week because of the on-going weekend; the sooner I know, the quicker I can find a suitable bag which doesn't guarantee a spell in detention!
For the meantime, though, I'd like to offer my selection of backpacks - after much consideration, I doubt that I would come across many problems with storing kilo loads of homework in a backpack, unlike a smaller, yet more attractive handbag - and found out which ones you would personally choose, if you were placed in my position. Even if certain colours weren't allowed, it is still nonetheless fun to include them because I do have my head stuck in the clouds most of the time!
As for finding a pair of flat black shoes, I'm trying to put off the task for as long as possible because there isn't a thing I loathe more heavily than standing on a flat level; so much for growing three inches within a year...
N.B. Due to my lack of expertise relating to uploading pictures from certain websites, I have been left with no other option to direct you to the sites selling the goods, which has sadly spoilt my dreams of adding some pictures in today's entry. If only Blogger was a more common feature on the 'Share' button!
Black Metal Tip Croc Panel Backpack, New Look, £17.99
Ideally, I'd love to choose this backpack because it, if I must be truly frank, has it all: black is typically a desirable colour at the majority of schools, yet this backpack manages to give a hint of stylishness thanks to its croc-patterned design, a style of which I've always been eager to try.
Originally, the mink-coloured version of this backpack caught my eye because I do have a penchant for brighter colours, yet this black one fits the bill perfectly because it certainly looks the part.
The only downfall is that New Look - a popular shopping chain amongst young women and teenagers, whose accessories and shoes units are second to none - haven't listed the measurements of this bag, which has left me none the wiser about whether I'd be able to pile tons of A4 papers into it without falling victim to the risk of breaking what I would deem a beautiful product. A trip to the local store in the centre of town will probably be necessary if I do consider getting this bag - fingers crossed that it is available!
Converse Back To School Mini Backpack in Lacy Skull, £12.50, USC
Ever since I fell in love with fashion several years ago, my inner gothic chic has been dying to be awakened and brought to oh-so-glorious life; in other words, I have a secret, yet vivid passion for skulls and never seem to walk past a shop selling skull-patterned clothing or accessories without adding it to my wardrobe. If you were to ask me, I'm not quite sure why my ears prick like a cat whenever I hear about a skull-themed item, but that is one of the countless quirks commonly found in my personality and I've obtained a decent pair of Butler & Wilson earrings out of it.
So, in an ideal world where rules were not as dangerously strict as they currently are within schools, it wouldn't take me a heartbeat to purchase this backpack because the skull print screams me! me! me! all over it. Whilst browsing the website by pure chance earlier, I almost fell out of my seat when this backpack was shown on screen, making all my dreams of finding the artistically perfect backpack a near reality.
Also, it is currently on offer at a cool £12.50 which I wouldn't begrudge spending because Converse - a world-famous brand of which, despite owning a pair of lookalike trainers, I particularly like - offers enormous value for their products.
Maybe I'll buy this backpack when the time feels right and I know that a stern telling-off isn't likely to occur. A skull-loving girl can dream, right?
Hype Space Backpack, £24.99, Asos
As always, online fashion retailer Asos never fail to disappoint with their uniquely styled products and this space-themed backpack, by American brand Hype, is an accurate example of this point, giving the main rivals on the high street a run for their money.
Never have I been interested in all things related to astrology and space; if one dared to bring the topic up, it wouldn't come as a massive surprise if I fell into a deep sleep within seconds! Yet this print proves otherwise because the colours look extremely pretty and feminine, whilst keeping a certain level of mysteriousness as I doubt that it is a style which many people recognize.
Plus, I would be in double heaven if I could find a backpack of this size as I've been greatly struggling to come across a plain, boring-as-Shakespeare backpack which appears strong enough to hold half my bedroom for more than five seconds.
Personally, I would be at a lost if this backpack was deemed inappropriate because sturdy bags are supposedly preferred at schools, meanwhile the print shouldn't truly be deemed as a problem - by the way, isn't space recognized as an educational subject? I rest my case.
New Look Dandy Formal Backpack in Mink, £17.99, Asos
Sometimes, plain is best and as I naturally lean towards more formal styles, this backpack would be staying true to my minimal-loving personality whilst adding a hint of office-smart style.
Although I constantly claim to have an eternal loathing for the colour pink - and all the brands of bubblegum available on the market - mink somehow slips through the net because it doesn't remind me of Barbie's funhouse or her eccentric pink lipstick, which is always welcome as I distance myself from childhood toys and games during my teenage years.
Despite being placed on the lower end of the high street, New Look nonetheless produce some great pieces with their accessories and bags ranges, regularly picking up awards for their up-to-date styles and fashion know-how. Whatever time of the year, I always prefer more neutral colours and patterns to the overly bright and garish prints plastered all over magazines during the summer months, and I would feel pretty content to be holding this backpack on my way to school. If only New Look could publish the measurements and I would be one happy customer!
Hannah Zip Front Structured Backpack in Black, £22,
Like Asos, is an online retailer and stock all the fashionable items you need - clothes, jewellery, hats and bags - but only sell items from their brand, one of which has been gathering a rather strong following since being launched in 2006.
Although I have never purchased an item on their website (a couple of months ago, it almost became the case but my chosen bag was unfortunately out of stock), I have certainly been keen with their clothing and indeed handbags, and this backpack immediately caught my eye like the supermarket offering a one-time-only deal with a chocolate Lindt bunny.
Similar to the plainness of the New Look bag discussed above, there are no wild-as-Ibiza prints or garish colours with this backpack, which gives the impression of being a crossbreed of a neutral Prada handbag and an office-suited backpack. Yet if my fantasy of carrying a skull-patterned Converse bag was to be dashed, I would happily make do with this backpack as the sense of style hasn't been diminished in the slightest.
Whether you are aware of it or not, perhaps the plainer an item is, the more profound and beautiful it truly is. Let's hope that Boohoo stock it this time, eh?
Are you interested to finding out how a modern-day teenager thinks and feels, sinking deeper in a hormonal-riddled girl's mind than a serving of indulgent Mississippi mud pie? Life as a Modern Teen heavily describes one teenager's views and feelings about her ever-changing life, giving her audience (if anyone reads it, of course) a clear insight into the world teenagers live today.
Saturday, 15 March 2014
Saturday Snooze: Schoolbags

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