Am I crazy or what, my logical voice asks when I gaze happily at a not-so-cheap handbag online, unleashing a sigh tinged with bitter sadness. I mean, do I honestly have a major problem when it comes to falling head over heels for something like there is no tomorrow? Sometimes, hormones spiralling out of control (which, however much I wish to avoid the unpleasant truth standing right before me, happens all the time) is usually the main reason for which I spend hours upon hours beginning a doomed love affair with an item which only a wealthy bank account could afford - a dilemma, along with my sweetly flavoured addiction to cocoa, in need of being solved.
From birth, everybody is destined to stumble across their strengths and weaknesses like a Weightwatchers member supposedly walking into a McDonald's by accident, but we typically only stress attention over the things which we are capable of performing to the most elite level; in quite a stark similarity to shoving an unwanted itchy jumper into the unknown realms of a wardrobe, our weaknesses are all but ignored because, unless you feel as mighty as Superman clad in a pair of pants remarkably smaller than Speedos, we feel too weak to face the problem lying in front of our faces. You see, it's an endless situation which sees absolutely no way of discovering a potential end - and that is exactly the case with my penchant for handbags and numerous other goodies on the internet and in store, temptation closing in on me like a bar of high quality chocolate dancing before my glittering eyes. I told you that I was crazy, right?
From a pricey Dior bag to valuable gold hoops to even the eighth and final season of Desperate Housewives on DVD (this one needn't count as extreme because I already experienced problems with two previous copies, so my desire to reach the oh-so-sad ending is becoming an unignorable itch), my heart yearns to add all of these wonderful items into my relatively long list of possessions, though deep down I just know that I stand a measly slim chance of receiving a raise of a grand in my weekly pocket money - so much for going on a lavish spending spree in Harrods any time soon! Dreaming of carrying a bag which would even provoke a smile to tug at Victoria Beckham's wrinkle-free lips is fantasy of mine that stands no possibility of morphing into a perfect, Dior-filled reality - yet despite facing up to the truth and describing it in quite a frank manner, I cannot fully switch off my powerful yearning for an enviable designer item. Like stumbling through the dark in search of the light switch, almost everything is easier said than done and, regardless of how humorous it may appear to maintain my exhausting obsession with a classically styled bag, I can add that valuable bag to my ever-growing list of Nice, but Income-Draining items.
If you believed that an accessory from the latest Parisian collections was enough to grab my attention faster than the heavenly sight of tortilla-style crisps, I'm proud to inform you that your beliefs are as wrong as Premier League footballer's fang-bearing habits. Ready to embark into the unknown of a teenager's hefty number of obsessions? Read on...
1) Earrings: From small, dazzling studs to plain gold-coloured hoops (believe me, I'm not made of money; Forever 21 will have to do until a trip to Tiffany's beckons) which add a desirable effect of understated cool, I absolutely love earrings and have adored them so since I got my first ear piercing at the age of eight, the occasion of which I still remember rather heavily. Sure, I might have nearly collapsed onto the floor in shock as the studs pierced through my ears, but nobody could have denied the fact that I was nonetheless grinning ear to ear - wearing earrings, just like studying French almost every day, has grown to define who I am and I definitely wouldn't feel the same without a pair on my dainty ears. Hence the reason for which the activity of swimming in a pool with tens of middle-aged women baring their cellulite was never deemed as my idea of fun because I could never wear my favourite earrings in the chlorine-polluted water.
After getting my second and final piercing last summer, my love for earrings has reached a whole new level because I've greatly enjoyed the daily task of choosing a pair of 'base' studs or teardrops to co-ordinate with the second piercing, mainly due to my preference of sticking to one style in that still-sensitive hole. However, I'll probably be changing my mind within no time since I received a set of colourful pearl studs for my birthday last week - even more of an excuse to exaggerate my passion over the beloved jewellery!
2) Vampires: Perhaps probably best reserved for Halloween and Twilight-themed movie marathons, vampires have all but assumed the role of a fascination in my eyes which, despite having reached the all-exciting climax of Breaking Dawn more than a year ago, I highly doubt will be bursting into orange flames à la a sunburnt vamp.
Truly, not even my pale-faced self can muster an answer which logically explains for my fondness for the sharp-teethed creatures, though it would be almost as impossible as affording a Dior bag (or Louis Vuitton bag, if you wish to explore my bag-fuelled fantasy further) to deny how intriguing the fictional species are - they are a far cry from the sausage-devouring people trawling the streets in the modern day world, so of course I would be instantly drawn to them like an online H&M sale!
From big-budget Hollywood films to action-packed books (there is no need to ask the theme of my red-tinged dreams, if you haven't already realized), I like vampires because they explore life in a different manner to humans and I've always been quite a sucker for fantasy/sci-fi films. Unlike the ghastly sight of an alien in desperate need of cosmetic surgery in Aliens, I've never been unable to quench my pride over having the ability to take pleasure in the sight of a red-eyed vampire with a bloody mouth in need of a good scrub; after all, it's what I call my guilty pleasure so why not indulge myself in it like a rare serving of rich chocolate mousse?
Oh, and what's better to spend a Friday night in style than watching the juiciest programme on the planet, The Vampire Diaries? Whatever it's about, the diaries must be far more interesting than my own; will a spotty-faced girl like me ever stand a chance of being caught within a love triangle with two handsome vampires? This is an obsession best enjoyed whilst sitting on the sofa, so I think.
3) Cats: Although I can hardly see anything negative about having such a huge passion for stroking, playing and hanging out with fluffy, amical cats, it wouldn't take me a second to declare a life-long obsession for these beautiful animals - they are essentially my whole life!
My first kitties, Tom and Jerry, protected me like a prized painting at the London Museum when I was a little baby and I grew up in a loving environment where litter trays, soaked copies of The Daily Mail and a horrible-scented Felix cat food were a massive part of everyday life. Even catching sight of a cat trotting on the pavement near my house provoked the whole family to rush over to the window, talking twenty to the dozen about a cat's fur covered in black oil and dirt like a massive story had been announced on the news.
Why do I love cats? I guess that my love for them simply runs in my genes because both my parents grew up with them, so blame my genetics for smiling at pictures of tiny kittens and videos starring a whingeing cat on YouTube! Plus, cats inherit such adorable looks and certainly play up to their cuteness, dispelling all beliefs that cats are boring - Tom's singing habits and Jerry's ability to obey demands proved otherwise!
And, as I've mentioned here time and time again, my two new kittens, Bart and Benny, have only fuelled my cat-tastic love because they mean the world to me - literally! I'm always spending time with them whilst studying French, writing essays or engaging in my afternoon snacks of peanuts; being in the lovely company of cats and kittens only signals happiness for me, so I'm proud that I adore them so much!
4) Writing: Maximizing a skill is an activity deserving of being encouraged, right? And that is exactly the course of direction which my parents have steered me upon because they realized my passion for writing before I even fully comprehended it - and look where I am now!
As I upload new entries here and dedicate a generous amount of time to completing essays, many might deem me a part-time writer, though I wouldn't decline the offer of payment for my beloved hobby! But nothing could make a dent in my enjoyment of writing because it brings me piles upon piles of pleasure - an obsession worth appreciating unlike dreaming of a hard-to-afford handbag or wardrobe filled with Chanel's latest haute couture collection!
Right now, I wouldn't even think about giving up writing as I feel more confident and settled in my own skin, which is the driving force behind my relentless determination and passion to succeed in my tasks! I may do many things like baking cinnamon-coated snickerdoodles, secretly dancing to my favourite songs and winning a not-too-violent fight against my brother, but writing definitely claims the top spot on my list of favourite hobbies - and obsessions, if you really have to ask!
So, you won't need to ask twice about what makes me crazier than an boy band-loving fan, will you? I'm an obsessed teenager with too many passions to describe or even realize - and let's celebrate it!
Are you interested to finding out how a modern-day teenager thinks and feels, sinking deeper in a hormonal-riddled girl's mind than a serving of indulgent Mississippi mud pie? Life as a Modern Teen heavily describes one teenager's views and feelings about her ever-changing life, giving her audience (if anyone reads it, of course) a clear insight into the world teenagers live today.
Friday, 7 February 2014
Obsessed: The Things Captivating a Teenager

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