Hmm, it seems rather strange that, for the very first time since I created this blog and set out my motives whilst displaying a subtle hint of my writing style, I feel the desperate, unavoidable need to declare my thoughts and opinions regarding this blog via an editor-style note.
Don't fly into panic mode and worry that, having reached an amount of zero readers within the three months or so of setting up this website, I'm going to shut it down and lose all of my inspirational work within a single, highly dreaded click of a 'delete' button! I couldn't be further away right now from deciding to give blogging up for good because I enjoy it so intensely when I'm swimming in full flow and gaining experience, which is far too valuable to put into heartfelt words.
So, let's get down to business and declare my innermost thoughts, otherwise I'll probably be spending the next twenty-four hours chatting about something very likely to bore you half to death (as if that is one of my highly prioritized intentions!). As I usually try to upload a new entry every two to three days, there typically comes a time when I cannot think straight or develop any fresh-as-an-apple ideas which inspire me to write about them for around an hour or more, and recently I've been struggling against my increasingly-growing frustration due to being unable to discover any much-needed inspiration.
In more simple words, I seem to be coming down with writer's block (and a sore throat, if the numerous amounts of vitamin-rich orange lozenges are enough to go by) and I feel too exhausted to fight against it with admirable bravery like I usually would. so ditto those dreaded groans of annoyment and head banging onto the rock solid wall - just what I would classify as whole-hearted fun, right?
On those beloved occasions where I couldn't possibly imagine feeling happier and everything is falling in place beautifully, pounding up the stairs à la a big-footed huffellump (as constantly reminded by my family) and switching on my laptop to jot down my views and spread the uplifting joys of inspiration through the internet morphs into the most joyous activities which I could ever do. Yet it is oh-so-easy to lose sight of the euphoria spreading through my veins and beliefs of treating myself to squares of dark chocolate when my mind goes as blank as a TV without any satellite signal (which could only signify the beginning of my brother's very worst nightmare on the Sunday afternoon in which his football team's match is being aired) - and unfortunately, I've been forced to make an unwanted decision to throw my cocoa butter-scented hands into the air (and no, I'm not going to start a sing-along to a Florence + and The Machine anthem, regardless of however tempting it is to hum tunelessly to You've Got the Love) and giving up on my hopes of posting a new entry today, which disappoints me greatly.
Perhaps you figured this out ages ago when I seemingly took a turn for the worse by dedicating a whole entry to chocolate (of which I've been getting the startling impression has been mentioned far too many times in recent posts), but I'm running out of ideas in relation to what I could talk about - come on, do I honestly share a resemblance to a cash machine where there is never any doubt as to whether I'm constantly loaded with the valued goods? Like a sharp-toothed vampire draining its victim of its livelihood and, um, blood (right now, the sight of red-coloured gore needn't be discussed too often whilst my porridge-themed breakfast shifts uncomfortably within me), making myself write on days when I can't remember the correct pronunciation of the French alphabet, let alone feel optimistically ready to switch into wannabe writer-mode, is sucking all of the enjoyment and fun that I used to gain out of running this blog - and now I've reached a drastic point where enough is enough.
In case your eyes only chose to skim over several lines instead of reading the whole piece, let me classify what I meant: after completing over forty-five articles to which I dedicated my whole time and valued attention, I'm waving goodbye to the undying need of forcing myself to complete an entry for the pure sake of it. I love to write and it entertains me more heavily than a re-run of The Simpsons at times, but shouldn't it return to its original state of being regarded as a sweetly-flavoured treat which would provoke a squeal of excitement (obviously one unassociated with a seal's form of communication) to escape my pink-tinted lips, instead of a lifeless, dull-as-Breaking Dawn sigh chilling the atmosphere? In hindsight, I ought to have thrown the towel in weeks ago but I carried on as part of myself wanted to remain occupied, particularly during the Christmas holidays when a frangipane-coated mince pie kept calling my name (or my cake-loving heart continued to send messages towards it, more like). It appears that, on the eve of my birthday next weekend, I'm listening to my heart's desires and following a path more catered towards my own - couldn't that potentially be the greatest gift of growing a year wiser?
On the subject of my birthday, I'm looking forward to spending the next few days placing my thoughts about what I intend to wear and how I'm ever going to survive another moment without my highly cherished present, which consists of a ten-piece eyeliner collection, being clutched with my fingers - let the good times roll! Currently, my intention is to write on here as of when the mood takes me or perhaps once a week, which I think will be a good idea to aspire towards on a baking-free Saturday mornings!
Every day, my life continues to change and bring surprises - some of which are suddenly announced without a moment's warning - so I have to move with the flow like everybody else, growing up into an ever-expanding society. At the moment, studying hard for life-changing exams and surviving through the unsurprising stress which typically comes with brain-racking revision are all but of a high importance for myself, alongside dealing with circumstances within life itself. I'm a teenager who is learning so many things that my head sometimes threatens to spin manically, yet I get up from my chair and stand tall amongst everybody else - running this blog is counted as one of my most appreciated achievements, so I don't see why I ought to come to an abrupt stop at this time, despite growing frustrated in relation to my lack of ideas of late.
So, let's see what happens next, OK? If you were to ask me right now, I have absolutely no idea when I will write here next, though I'll make an effort to return to the red-coloured laptop by next weekend or even the day before my birthday on Friday - how could it be possible to run out of inspiration like endlessly consumed cans of Pepsi on the eve of celebrating an exciting milestone?
See you soon,
Are you interested to finding out how a modern-day teenager thinks and feels, sinking deeper in a hormonal-riddled girl's mind than a serving of indulgent Mississippi mud pie? Life as a Modern Teen heavily describes one teenager's views and feelings about her ever-changing life, giving her audience (if anyone reads it, of course) a clear insight into the world teenagers live today.
Sunday, 26 January 2014
Note From The Blogger (Serious Mode!)

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